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Past Rant: (3/12/01)

Kids and Guns

This week I want to talk seriously about guns. I am having this verbal sparring match with this jabroni on Anthony's Paradigm Shifts Web site guestbook and he really got me going today. He is another unoriginal advocate of gun control laws, and I continued to argue with him, via the guestbook, on maybe looking at gun issues such as school shootings, in a different light. I insist that you can pass all the gun laws that you want, and those that still want to use them will find a way to get them. I promise this, the gun black market is huge. So what do we do about stopping crimes of this nature?

Well, bear with me on this, I might seem to go off topic, but I assure you there is a reason. Remember a little while back when the South Carolina state flag was a big issue. Many people were upset that the flag still had a small version of the rebel flag somewhere on the big flag. Well those that wanted the flag changed stated that is was a symbol of racism and oppression. I would agree. I would say that that flag is a disgusting reminder of a cause that was one of the most vile in our nation's history. However I do not think that this symbol has anything to do with modern day racism. In fact I think it is such a joke of a flag that I do not even think anything of it when I see it except for "why won't that supped up chevy get out of my way?" So why do people get upset by it? I think because they see the state flag with that symbol and they assume the state is condoning a certain way of thinking. So the masses came out and forced the powers that be to take the flag down, and I think they are changing it or have changed it. Now I must ask this question, does this mean that racism in South Carolina no longer exists, or did we just further cover up the fact that it is still alive and well. Onward to denial should be our national motto! What I think they should concentrate on is to try to convince those people that still believe in the symbol of the stars and bars that they are wrong and should not believe in that old, unfair, hate filled mentality. Convince those that do not want to take the flag down to want to take the flag down.

I see this as the mentality that we should take with guns, do not try to take away guns from people, convince them that they should not want to use them to solve their problems. This is the only way to really stop the afore mentioned problems, but it is the most difficult. And being that we have no idea how to really do this solution, we shoot for the easy way out and pass more worthless laws that are intended to make people feel safe, but so not really protect.

People often ask me if I think people have the right to own a gun, and I say yes. Not because it is the innate right of Americans to own them, or because they are such a big part of our history. No, I feel as my uncle from Ohio once taught me that guns in the peoples hands are the best and ultimate form of checks and balances. Arm the people to keep the leaders in line, sounds to me like something the founding fathers really would have believed, and as extreme as that sounds, I often wonder why anyone would worry about that.